Flexible Automation System Co Ltd

i4.0 Mission Trip to India

Pumas Automation and Flexible Automation System India, is privileged to be part of the Singapore Delegation in the i4.0 Mission Trip to India. Mission objectives are to introduce our competencies and track record in i4.0 solutions, understand the pain points of Indian corporates, propose possible technologies/solutions and participate at the CII Smart Manufacturing Summit 2023 in Delhi.


On this mission trip, we get to visits 8 medium and large-size manufacturing enterprises in India, interacting with key personnel from these enterprises, from CEO, MD to Head of I4.0 or Chief Digital Officer. We also met more than 10 key members of the Confederation of Indian Industry and many other Indian enterprises at the summit.

During the meeting and interaction, we gain good insights into the maturity level of Indian manufacturers in I4.0 adoption. Some manufacturing enterprises in India started the adoption of I4.0 as early as 2017. But some enterprises are just starting to initiate the journey now.

Delegation from Singapore Companies and Enterprise Singapore

We also attended the CII Smart Manufacturing Summit, organized by the Confederation of Indian Industry addressing how manufacturing is traversing a new domain led by disruptive changes in technology and breakthrough innovations. It highlights crucial aspects such as sustainable manufacturing, skilling, AI integration and a resilient supply chain.

CII Smart Manufacturing Summit in Delhi

Many Indian local enterprises have grown to a good size now, ranging from USD 200 mil to 1 billion in annual sales. This is driven by growing middle income in India, with strong purchasing power.

Our apprehension about India’s business environment has changed after this mission, especially in the manufacturing sector. This will help guide us in our next lap of business expansion.

We are grateful to be part of this delegation. Thank you Enterprise Singapore for this mission.